The Movent Automotive, an 100% Brazilian company, is considered one of the country biggest producers and developers of suspension and steering assemblies and components, fulfilling the main country vehicle producers.

The products range also includes shift assemblies and shift systems.

The company was founded in 1952, in São Paulo. In 1963 the tie rod end and sockets production had been started and four years later the ball joints production had begun, due this it was established a new facility in Diadema. In 1985 the shift assemblies and shift systems production had been started. In 1989 it was created a research and technology pioneer center, and until nowadays it is considered one of the most complete of the automotive auto parts business.

Movent is a supplier of the main passenger cars, crossovers, SUVs, vans, and trucks companies of Brazil since its foundation, and it is one of the leader companies on suspension and steering parts business.

Movent is recognized by the customers for the know-how, design-for-customer, products durability, technical assistance and solutions for several applications. It has an Engineering with all kinds of resources for development, such as: Data acquisition, CAE Analyses, CAD Design, Validation Tests and concept definition. Movent team has a long and wide experience on application and product adaptation to Brazilian market conditions.

In order to guarantee requisites, quality and competitive costs, the Movent company, besides having a verticalized productive process, with forging, manufacturing processes, weld, heat treatment, assembling and painting, also encompasses a robust and reliable chain of suppliers of plastic, rubber, casted and stamped itens.



The Movent Engineering is dedicated to automotive industry, focused on suspension, steering and powertrain parts development.

It offers individualized technical support of qualified technical and engineers to attend the following services:

  • Application Design (Know-how, patents);
  • Optimization (Complexity reduction, mass, friction and NVH reduction);
  • Planning and tests validation (Experimental laboratory and field tests);
  • Stack-up, kinematic and Assembling studies;
  • Instrumentation and data acquisition (Resources and capabilities to perform static and dynamic measurements, such loads and deformations; also strain-gauges);
  • Vehicle tests installation and preparation;
  • Finite Elements: Linear, non-linear, elastomers, stress, buckling, fatigue and durability analyses;
  • Design assisted by computer: Catia, AutoCad, Inventor;
  • Validation Tests: Buckling, Fatigue, Durability, Hysteresis, Torque, Extraction Load (Pull-Out, Push-Out, Cam-Out), Cardanic, Shift Loads.
  • Durability tests in sealed climatic chambers with humidity and temperature control;
  • Teardown – Products evaluation after usage;
  • Benchmarking

Contact us to learn more about how Movent can serve your organization.



For decades, the 4 columns of Movent Automotive management integrated system has being in evolution:

1 – Consistence: Based on Business and Strategic Planning;

2 – Integrity: Based on Conduct Code and Movent Suppliers Quality Manual;

3 – All Stakeholders Satisfaction guarantee: Through Certification on Norms ISO 9001 (Quality), IATF16949 (Quality and Sustainability) and ISO 14001 (Environment);

4 – Participation on Results for all employees.

Management System Documents


Movent Suppliers
Quality Manual

IATF 16949-2016-70634



Contact us

Contactus to know more about Movent can serve your company.


Avenue Fukuichi Nakata, 451/539 – Piraporinha – CEP 09950-400
São Paulo – SP
Telephone: +55 11 4057.5756

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